Email Marketing

Don't Overlook These Email Automation Strategies

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Tereza Zemanova  |   February 1st, 2024

10 Min.  read

Wondering which digital marketing avenue boasts the highest return on investment? According to a Litmus study, it's email marketing. Despite the prevalence of videos and social media, email remains the reigning champion among digital marketing tools, delivering an impressive $45 in revenue for every $1 invested.

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The effectiveness of email marketing stems from its unique ability to facilitate one-to-one conversations with recipients. Unlike social media, where messages reach the masses, emails can be personalized to create a tailored experience for each recipient.

Affordability is another key advantage of email marketing. With most email marketing software, you can reach thousands of people regularly at minimal monthly costs.

Enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your email marketing by incorporating automation for outgoing messages. Automated emails, triggered by specific actions, enable you to effortlessly reach your audience without additional stress.

But which emails should you automate? Consider automating those you send regularly or would send regularly if time allows. This article presents a list of commonly automated emails that can make your life easier and boost business:

Welcome Emails

  • Utilize automated welcome emails triggered when someone submits their email on your website or app.

  • Craft a welcoming message, expressing appreciation, and consider including a special offer, like a first-purchase discount or a free download.

Abandoned Cart Emails

  • Send automated reminders to customers who added items to their cart but didn't complete the purchase.

  • Gently remind them of the benefits of the product or service and, if needed, offer a coupon to encourage completion.

Post-Purchase Emails

  • Express appreciation with an automated email immediately after a customer's purchase.

  • Follow up with automated emails recommending complementary products and, optionally, a satisfaction survey to gather feedback.

Re-Engagement Emails

  • Implement a re-engagement series for individuals on your list who have stopped engaging with your emails.

  • Use catchy headlines and offer incentives, such as discounts, to entice them back into your content.

Mastering automated emails requires some effort and experimentation, but once you find the right messaging, you'll likely discover that automated emails are among your most effective marketing tactics.

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