The Big Christmas Emailing Checklist

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Earn money with
TOPOL Affiliate Program

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Promote building email templates using TOPOL Editor and earn 25% lifetime commission for each customer you refer.

Earn from $3,75 to up to $75 for a user per month, depending on the chosen subscription.

Sign up for TOPOL Affiliate Program and get a unique affiliate link that you embed in your content, email campaigns, on your website, or across your social media.

25% LIFETIME commission

Earn a 25% lifetime commission on payment users make now or in the future.
We pay you as long as customer pays us.

Tracking cookies

TOPOL Affiliate tracking cookies are alive for 120 days. Plenty of time for users to decide and subscribe.

Commissions payout

The minimal amount for a payout is $100, and the payouts are monthly based.
We are using PayPal for payouts.

Promotional package

You can use the premade promotional package that we’ve designed exclusively for TOPOL Affiliate Program.

Learn more about TOPOL

TOPOL is easy to use and highly intuitive email template editor. You can create an unlimited number of email templates and save time on the email production process. Tested by thousands of users.


Best fit for teamwork. Create, save, edit, organize, and collaborate with teammates. Unlimited access to predefined templates and a large library of free images to use.

Collaborate in teams and assign roles

100+ Premium templates to choose from

Built-in photobank with royalty free images

Merge tags and special links

Built-in image editor

Saved and HTML blocks

Autosave and restore to previous versions

ESP integrations (Mailchimp, SendGrid and more)

More about Pro

TOPOL Plugin

Integrate TOPOL Editor in your own app, CRM, e-shop, or any other marketing platform. Integration is well documented and hassle-free.

All Editor features

Pay-as-you-grow pricing

Product feeds

Predefined & Custom content blocks

Custom cloud storage or Self-hosted storage

Custom file manager

Multi-language support

White label

More about Plugin

Working with Editor

Checkout short video how to create email template with TOPOL Editor.

Play video


Promotional package

Download package with application screenshots, logos, and additional materials to help you promote TOPOL.


Do you have questions?

We will help you with any questions regarding TOPOL Editor or Affiliate Program.

Contact us